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The Roman!!!!
It will be coming in December 2016!
Join Cran and Iris tomorrow,
Friday the 13th, 2016 at 8:05 PM EST on the Podcast's SR Gratitude Party.
Pod Cast Link
Here is Iris~Elli's SR Stash...Yes the Muses are fans ;-)

Twitter post
Adding from our post from Facebook:
Join Cran and Iris today at 8:05 PM EST that for our part of the 3 hour event with The Gabriel Series Podcast celebration to show out Gratitude and Appreciation 👏 of our author, Sylvain Reynard. 📜✍📚
Here is the link to the podcast. If you have not signed up there yet you can do that and also download the Mixlr app:
Catch our good wishes on Twitter and listen to the podcast for/with many fans around the world!
SR has also announced the title of the final⚜ The Florentine Series : Official ⚜book! ICYMI it will be called:
Released by December 2016 he hopes!
Stay Tuned for the Cover Review when it is released. See more in SR's blog about the release as well as ours.
From all of us muses at Argyle Empire (and beyond), Coco, Mango, Cran, and Iris want to wish SR all of our love and support. Thank You SR for breeding Kindness, Love, Redemption, Gratitude, and Appreciation. We can't help but catch the flame of your spirit and want to be more kind, charitable, humble, and snarky just like our author! You inspire us daily through your writing and your daily tweeting and messages through social media. You do little to promote yourself so we gladly take a part in spreading the word about your books and the causes you do promote on a regular basis. Every Sunday you tell readers "Peace be with you." ✌ Peace be with you as well dear author and friend!!!!
PS: That was so much fun! Cran And Iris actually talked to the point of having to be cut off. ;-)
Here are the questions they asked us to prepare with Iris's answers and I'll add Cran's soon!
Activities for the party.
- When did you discover and read his books?
I discovered SR's writing around March 2010 and the muse Iris was born. I read GI for the first time the first second I could get my hands on it whenever jut was first published by Omnifics in the Spring of 2011. GI and GRa came out quickly. Shortly after this The first rendition of Argyle Empire was born around August 2011 . We were @TheGISeriesFans on Twitter then, started by four of his original muses, Coco (it was her idea) Mango Cran and Iris. That Fall Berkley publishing picked up his books and they were re-released and he announced he would write a 3rd book in the series for his fans. GRe then came out. I have several copies of each book he has written, some signed and some with signed book plates. And one very special GI that is my muse copy. That was Cran's idea to use it as a year book of sorts when the muses gathered together.
- How long did it take you to read the first book/series?
I was reading it as it was being written. I believe the first 20-30 chapters were up when My elder sis turned me on to FF and his was o R of the first 4 stories I read and caught up to. He was alway very regular about his posting schedule. Teaser Tuesday, and Saturday 9:00 AM EST (6:00 AM my PST) it was the highlight of our week.
When he announced he was going to try to get the story published the idea came with mixed reviews but I was alway a supporter of the idea. It was so exciting. I read them all ASAP they were released. And I have all renditions, print versions, kindle versions and audible versions.
As I said some signed some not.
-What have you learned from the SR?
SR is as much if not more of a teacher than his Professor and his Julia are. I have learned so much from him. His generous, kind, humble, charitable nature is contagious. You can't help to want to Lear from him, fall to your feet, or rather stool ;-) and just get ready for story time with SR. He is such a gifted story teller. I admire his ability to remain a bit of a ghost. Disappearing into his fox den, down the rabbit hole, beamed up by the tractor beams, into a wardrobe and to a portal to Middle earth, and I respect his privacy. This doesn't keep me from wondering about his mystery. I often think of the Christian Slater and Samantha Mathis film "Pump Up The Volume." In the film Christian is Mark, who runs a pirate radio station. Nora is his biggest fan, and as she listens, she adds details about Mark on a poster on her bedroom wall. It reminds me of how I feel about SR.
- How has reading and interacting with the Boss SR changed your life?
He is like the older brother I never had and I'm proud to be a part of the SR Fan Family. Because that is truly what his stories has created. A world wide family of readers. I'm an academic myself, but for the beginning of life. I'm an early interventionist and I work with kids from birth-3years old. I love learning from SR. And he truly has added to my life and has made me a life long learner and a lifetime reader. I truly wasn't that before. My learning disability makes it difficult to read. I'm still slow and I can't spell well. I was one that would wait for the film. But when I finished my Masters, I was finally ready to read for pleasure and that has grown in this community. I never thought I would be a contemporary romance fan, but here I am! The greatest gift SR has given me is this community. I love the muses and fellow fans I have met both online and some
In real life. I gladly contour to promote his and other independent authors.
- Using 3 words for each, how would you describe the Boss and his books?
SR- Kind, Humble, Charitable
GI- Flame, Dragon, Maia
GRa-love, miscommunication, soul-searching
GRe-redemption, life partners, family
the Prince- connection, underworld, bridge
The Raven- transformation, Inner beauty, reawaken
The Shadow- darkness, protection revenge
The Roman ???
-5 Reasons you love SR aka the Boss.
He's a talented writer and storyteller and I love reading him.
He is charitable, spiritual, humble, generous, and kind
He appreciates and listens to his readers and fans
He has been able to keep his identity protected and private. I respect that.
He is an inspiration to his fans and other aspiring authors
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